Service Businesses
It is difficult to sell nothing tangible like a service - what value can it have. Well, as I sell marketing I understand this challenge.
Service marketing is not about you and your service, but about your customer, their problems and the solution you bring to them and their business. What they actually buy from you is often not what you thought you were selling.
Getting to the core of your customers thought: "What's in it for me" is something else - it is this, that I can help with.
If we get the message right, then we can market you correctly and ensure we cover all the potential decision makers and influencers on the route to your "customers" - delivering increased enquiries from the right people, at the right time for your business.
Marketing is simple, straight forward and lateral thinking brings extra potential to your business. To find out what we can do for you please call 01335 343338 or email
"Marketing is a vital part of our business, as we are in a very competitive market. Our spend has to work hard and deliver real results. With Message Marketing we got over £60k of leads within 24 hours of one e-shot!"